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Something Old, Something New: 
150 Years of Wedding Fashions & Traditions

March 23 & 30 • April 5, 13 & 26
Register Now

Hannaway Blacksmith Shop

Blacksmith Classes
The Hannaway Blacksmith Shop is open year-round for classes and demonstrations on dates listed on the Blacksmith Shop calendar.

The House That Love Built

Stephen Hopkins Smith built his stately Federal style mansion in 1810 to impress a sweetheart.

Now known as Hearthside, Smith's home welcomes visitors to discover the stories of the many families who lived there.

Hearthside is an award-winning historic house museum presenting a variety of historically-themed exhibits, tours and original programs on an ever-changing calendar each year. Costumed docents guide visitors on tours, furnished throughout in period style. Hearthside is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and operates under the stewardship of the all-volunteer nonprofit Friends of Hearthside, Inc.



677 Great Road, Lincoln, Rhode Island, 02865

Hearthside is located along historic Great Road in Lincoln, RI, 10 minutes north of Providence.


Phone: (401) 726-0597

Bringing History to Life

Bringing History to Life.jpg

From the moment you step foot inside Hearthside…

…you sense that you’ve stepped back to a past era from interpreters dressed in period attire, sounds from the turn-of-the-century Edison phonograph, the experience the evolution of the home through the centuries from its earliest days to its last owners in 1997.



Discover how exciting history can be for all ages, not just taking a look at the past, but how the past impacts our present and future. Check out our upcoming tours and events.


Repairing and restoring Hearthside is done with great care to maintain its historical integrity and so that this historic landmark is preserved for future generations.

Hearthside House - Lincoln, RI


Learn the fascinating stories about the families who called this unique house their home and see what everyday life was like for them along the “Great Road to Mendon.”

Treasures Inside the Museum

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